New York Botanical Garden No matter what your interests, skills, or schedule, you can help the Garden in its valuable work. Volunteering at the Garden is a great way to expand your knowledge of plants, give back to your community, meet new people, and share your love of the Garden with others.
Student Conservation Association Are you a high school student who is passionate about conservation? Do you like working as part of a team to get things done? Do you just love being outdoors? Join an SCA camping or commuting crew and plug yourself into SCA’s nationwide network of young conservationists. SCA offers a range of programs for youth ages 15-19. Whether you want to serve in your local community or explore public lands across the country, SCA has something for you! Learn more
Ranger Conservation Corps The Ranger Conservation Corps (RCC) is an urban environmental internship for high school students. RCC participants work on environmental restoration in Forever Wild sites located in our flagship parks. There are two RCC sessions each year (fall and spring), and each session lasts 8 to 10 weeks. The program occurs one day a week, on a school day afternoon for 2 to 2.5 hours. RCC is a great program for students who are interested in the natural world or environmental issues. It is an excellent opportunity to gain experience while working with the Urban Park Rangers. Participants may go on exciting field trips including canoeing, overnight camping and more.
New York City Compost Project The NYC Compost Project helps to reduce waste in NYC and rebuild City soils by giving New Yorkers the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to produce and use compost locally. NYC Compost Project programs are carried out by staff funded by the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) at host organizations in each borough.
Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship Wave Hill’s Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship is a 14-month program offering motivated New York City high school students a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the principles of ecology, focusing particularly on ecological restoration in New York City, and to participate in important field research with working scientists―all while getting paid!